Sunday, October 12, 2008

Assignment 4- Poster Design

I did this draft during the mid-term break and while I was at home, I find myself binge eating like crazy so I suddenly had the inspiration to design a No Binge Eating Poster.
Fundamentally, my design idea was adopted from this picture I found online.

I like the idea of handcuffs to food. I adopted the idea and produced my initial draft:


I created a fat man in prisoner clothes to complement the handcuffs to reinforce the fact that he is a prisoner of junk food.

I had difficulties creating the handcuff effect on illustrator and finally after spending about 1 hour or so exploring the 3D effects part which caused my laptop to hang several times, I finally produced a handcuffed effect, albeit not like the real thing.

Initially, I had yellow background and red text but I find that the text is pretty plain as compared to the picture. For me, I am drawn the the picture before the text but I would like to create a visual balance. Without the text, people will naturally look from left to right because of the flow of the direction of the food. I added the stripey background with a focal point on the right to highlight the text.

But it was said that my background is distracting and i should stick to a plain one. I also realised that most of my classmates' poster are in vertical rather than landscape form. I thought of changing my poster to landscape form for my final piece. By placing the text and the top and the picture below, i hope to create the natural flow instead of the current conflicting directions in focus.

Jing mentioned that handcuffs are a interesting concept and I should make them look bigger and heavier to convey the control and entrapment ideas. She also suggested that I add more food. Final piece will be up soon, I hope:)

Assignment 4-Poster Design (Final)

And so, my final poster is up finally.


Things That are Changed

-I decided to change to portrait style with the text at the top to improve the continuity of the layout.
-The fat man's facial features were also improved.
-More chains and food were added.
-Background was changed to pin light form.

Assignment 3-Tell a Story

For Assignment 3, we are to tell a story that (ends with a twist) in 8 frames of photographs.

Here's how my story goes:










The main character is on a losing streak.
She finds herself left with only a miserable chip.
She decides to cheat.
She is caught cheating,
beat up by mahjong group
and is eventually blacklisted...

My story lacks a twist that did not fulfill the requirement of the assignment!! It's my fault for not understanding the instructions well..
It was suggested that I could probably re-arrange the frames. I tried but it seemed more like a flashback technique of telling a story than a twist technique. I think it is because of the fundamental storyline.
For my final, I would probably change the whole story because it is difficult for me to gather the same people and set the same scenerio again.

But for this assignment, apart from the story, I enjoy exploring different ways of taking photographs of a particular scene. Indeed, different angles conjure different emotions and determines how strongly the photograph can communicate its story.

Besides camera angles, different photograph effects can produce different results too. I chose to blur the background of some of them to produce a 'DSLR effect' but for a few, I seem to have overdone it. I will sort this out and produce a better final piece of story.

Assignment 3-Tell A Story Part 2

This is a new story (with a twist) that I have come up with.

Do read on to see if you can get it. :)









Seems like there is something wrong with photobucket, can't seem to register my rotation of one of the pictures.

Anyway, the story goes like this:

1: Girl goes into toy shop and starts searching for a gundam model that catches her eye
2: She spots one, picks it up and takes a good look at it.
3: Tadah! That's it. She decides on it, pleased with her decision.
4. Decides to buy it.
5. She starts fixing it intently.
6. There she is, her first step done. Presenting the head of the gundam model.
7. Girl is admiring her finished work, visibly pleased with herself.
8. The finished piece of work-A keychain full of gundam heads...
(We would have expected to see a full model of the gundam but it turns out that the girl bought the entire model kit just because she wants to use the head to form an her handphone accessory)