Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Assignment 2-Of Signs and Symbols...

This assignment was given amidst the ongoing Beijing Olympic Games 2008. And what's striking to anyone with(or w/o) any sense of aesthetics??..nOnoo..Its not the hot bodies (coz they don't adhere to the golden ratio!! Just look at Micheal Phelps! haha)...
Oh Well...What's striking was the symbols used to represent the various sports..I thought they were really artistic and really incorporate the essence of zhong guo feng into the Olympic...

From Reality


To abstract


Anyway, we were required to choose any object/phenomenon in NUS and then reduce it into an abstract symbol.... Its purpose can be instructional such as giving directions or warning etc..

I chose a directional sign and to depict a Postbox. As to why I did...its a personal experience...I'm sure I'm not the only one who at some point of my life in NUS, couldn't find where the nearest Postbox was. Geez..

From Reality to Abstract

all merged final

My Final Chosen Sign


Initially, this wasn't what I chose...I had wanted sth like the final picture...Just a simple envelope and an arrow...because it was simple and obvious but Jing commented that the envelope sign might be able to communicate my point but there was an issue with originality... Afterall, the sign is already being used for email.. I should have sth different. I was given the suggestion to do an act of posting a letter, like an envelope halfway into the box... and this is what I came up with.

Through this assignment, I learnt sth abt copyright...I never intended to 'copy' that universal envelope sign but since it has already been so established and ingrained into our minds, I just thought that was already the best it could be...since this exercise was on creating an abstract symbol...and I thought I have already fulfilled the requirements.... bleahx..I learnt how to force myself to think abit harder...out of the box...

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